Surreal Memes Wiki

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The logo of I.R.O.N.I.C.


I.R.O.N.I.C (Interdimensional Repulsion Of Non-valid Information Corporation) is an organization led by PoseidonHeir and Meme Man. The sole purpose of the organization is to stop Orang and his supporters from destroying the dimensions. They do this by preventing the spread of Orang and Pillar lies on Surreal Meme platforms such as /r/surrealmemes, Discord servers, and this wiki itself. They also apprehend those who spread the lies or otherwise support Orang and the Pillars, as they have their own authorized police force, the I.R.O.N.I.C Police Force™.

The long-term intention of I.R.O.N.I.C is to bring down the dimension destroying people in the Surreal Memes universe, and in doing so, making the world (especially the surreal meme communities) a friendly, great place for people to post memes and such.

How to Join

In order for a being to join I.R.O.N.I.C, they must complete a series of tests that show both intelligence and worthiness, and also pledge their loyalty to the great and honourable Meme Man. For a list of the members please go here!
